What to write for a first post? I'll just put a little bit of everything that's on my mind.
Last night I went and saw my friend's band, The Kelpies, play. They were so great and had so many instruments involved--piano, horn, violins, bass, guitar, banjo, drums and I can only imagine that they'll accommodate more when they're inspired. Can't wait to hear more from them soon.
Hearing them play made me realize how behind I am in the music scene. I just discovered Fleet Foxes and can't stop listening to them. My friend tells me that I'm terribly behind and misguided and in dire need of some intervention-mixes.
Found these incredible pictures of my sister and me while rooting around in my grandmother's basement:

In a recent spurt of wikipedia searches I found myself reading and learning about the Merovingians. This brought me to a page about the life of the Visigoth princess Brunhilda who had an incredibly dramatic life ending with her being "tied to the feet of wild horses and torn apart limb from limb." And even then she wasn't quite dead. They go on to conclude, "Finally she died."
Imagine being named Brunhilda. Imagine being torn apart by horses. Kind of what writing this essay feels like...
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