Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm in love.

With carrier pigeons that have cameras strapped to them. Used in WW1 for covert work, just look at the wing tips in the top photograph it took!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring Things

It was warmer today and the snow started melting. I went for a walk just as the sun was setting and discovered spectacular things. When I got home I took some pictures of the little bit of Spring in my room!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


When winter begins to feel long, I can't help but think of summer. These are lilies that grow wild atop Sargent Mountain in Acadia National Park. The view is looking West to the mountains on the other side of the island.

Some songs that make me think of summer...
Lykke Li and Bon Iver, Dance Dance Dance
The Knife, Girl's Night Out
Fleet Foxes, He Doesn't Know Why

Friday, February 6, 2009


Last night I saw
Waltz with Bashir and it was amazing.
Please, go see it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lunch and Lily

It's almost lunchtime so I'm dreaming of lovely meals gone by...

These are from days ago when Lily and I made a delicious orzo dish seasoned with thyme and parsley. It was full of vegetables-mushrooms, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, squash, broccoli and more! We topped it with spinach, white cheddar and blue corn chips. It's paired with freshly squeezed orange, lemon, grapefruit juice. Yuummm.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow daze

Today we had snow all day, it's falling still!

I managed to bike around for a good portion of the day but ended up having to take the bus later on. When walking, I enjoy making a snow ball and catching it with my foot so that it bursts apart. Quite fantastic!

The opera is under way and goes up this Friday-I've been over there most nights helping run a projector and tonight I finished painting and applying fabric to one of the set pieces, a throne for Baba the bearded Turk. Tomorrow will be a long night with our final dress rehearsal before the first performance.

Last night I went to the cinema where I saw some lovely Russian animations by Yuri Norstein during the 1970s. I especially enjoyed "Fox and Hare" and "Hedgehog in the Fog". Afterwards, quite spontaneously, my friend and I decided to go ice skating.

Off to bed, and still it snows, dreaming of the horse: "How is she, there... in the fog?"